Sunday, May 14, 2023

Upgrade Postgres from 9.6 to 14 on Ubuntu Bionic (18)

I had to first install Postgres 14. 15 was available but that was too far ahead of my Mac OS X machine that I use in my house. So I installed 14. This left 9.6 and 14 simultaneously installed. I had to migrate my data, and I believe I accomplished that. The commands were:

  # drop the post 14 installation cluster
  > sudo pg_dropcluster 14 main

  # upgrade the 9.6 cluster to 14 (migrates your data, I think)
  > sudo pg_upgradecluster 9.6 main

I had two databases being used, and they made it over. I accidentally removed the cluster files in the 14 installation at first, so I had to restore them and do a chown -R to make pg_dropcluster work again.

Ive Inspires Me

LOL! WoW didn't last long as a shelter. But that's okay.

The K-Pop group IVE inspires me. Their IAM is really good but Kitsch is almost just as good. I've been listening to Kitsch and it makes me feel like programming.

I've commmented that programming is something that is exciting to me. Not fun, but exciting. I still don't find it fun but it does feel like breathing to me. I can watch YouTube videos, and YouTube music videos, but eventually I want to interact with my world and the only way I know how to do that is by programming.