Tuesday, April 9, 2024

A Lower Bound on Friendship

Friends meet with you in isolation. When I say isolation, I mean that you and the other person meet without anyone else around listening in on the conversation. Going to a restaurant and being waited on counts as such a meeting. Going out with a 3rd person violates the rule I'm stating, and it does not count as a telltale sign of friendship.

Communicating over the Internet or text via DM counts as meeting with someone in isolation. But, not all people who talk to you over DM are your friends. At the same time, any person who wants to be called your friend should, at a minimum, be willing to converse with you in isolation. If they will not do this, they are not your friend.

Reading nonfiction counts as socializing. When you read nonfiction, you are opening yourself up to disquieting knowledge. You are making yourself vulnerable to anxiety that may result from what you've read. If partying at the club counts as socializing, reading nonfiction better also count as the same. If going hiking with a group counts as socializing, reading nonfiction better also count as the same.

Listening to music does not count as socializing.

Watching the Discovery channel technically counts as socializing but it’s very lazy of you.

I don’t have any friends but I socialize all the time.

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